Friday, July 30, 2010

Rack of Lamb

1 Costco rack of lamb
10 to 12 inch iron skillet
optional: red wine

Heat skillet to medium heat with light vegetable oil.
Cut lamb between bones. Lightly salt and pepper each side.
Place in pan, put heat medium. A couple of dashes of red wine can be added.
Let cook covered covered for about 5-7 minutes. Turn and cook another 5 minutes.
Remove and let set a few minutes before serving. As with any meat dish it can be a little bloody when not well done. I prefer mine medium to medium well.

This is an easy recipe. The main inconvenience is pre-slicing the lamb. The 'rack' can be cooked as one but then has to be cut while relatively hot. It also takes longer to cook. If I'm barbecuing I prefer to cook the 'rack' whole with just salt and pepper. Depending on the heat of the bbq it make take 15 minutes.

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